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Optimising time to interactive, or rewriting my blog... again

Posted by Will Hart on 2022-01-22

I seem to have a habit of rewriting this blog every time I get bored, but this time I swear I didn't do it on purpose! On the plus side, rewriting the blog is a good way to try out new things and different deployment strategies. On the negative side, it often takes over a weekend and I don't get much else done!

Over time I've evolved from a custom static site generator, to a self-hosted ghost instance, then most recently to next.js.

It started with lighthouse

I posted about my CMOS analog clock the other day and on a whim I ran a lighthouse report on the site. I was surprised to see this in "mobile" mode:

The Lighthouse report for the NextJS blog in "mobile" mode

The "time to interactive" in particular was a bit of a surprise. On desktop its about 1s, but here its approximately a thousand years. One of the strengths of NextJS is how easy it makes it to do server side rendering (SSR) and server side generation (SSG). I'd spent quite a lot of time messing about with SSG and built it into a custom markdown to SSG pipeline in NextJS. Lighthouse seemed to suggest that bundle size was the big issue. I ran the profiler quickly and I'm definitely not an expert, but with simulating a "Fast 3G" connection and "4x CPU slowdown" the best I could tell was it spent about 3 seconds loading the bundle and another 2 seconds rendering.

I tried a few different things to reduce bundle size, including replacing some CSS and dynamically loading components but nothing really made a dent. Using Next's image optimisation was more successful and seemed to make a huge difference to the bandwidth for more image heavy posts, but time to interactive was still fairly low.

These seemed to make a bit of difference in some respects, in particular I think Next's image optimisation was making a huge difference. Overall time to interactive was still about 4-5 seconds probably due to a decent sized JS bundle and the time spent spinning up the javascript.

The Lighthouse report in "mobile" mode after trying a few different tweaks to bundle size

Looking at Zola

I decided to run a quick proof-of-concept to compare to a pure static site generator. I chose zola, which is a rust-based static site generator that is quite straighforward to use. Like most rust things, speed seems to be a big consideration and builds are definitely very speedy (this site takes about 300-500ms to build from scratch).

To get started without setting up an entire pipeline, I copied the minified CSS from the NextJS production site and quickly converted a few markdown articles to the Zola format (mostly just changing the front matter to TOML). The lighthouse report for Zola was green across the board.

The first lighthouse report for

The Zola page definitely renders a lot faster, which is a combination of smaller bundle size and not having to spin up the NextJS javascript on the client side. However looking at total downloads things get a bit more interesting. The table below shows the total download size (in MB) for two posts, one very image heavy and one text/code heavy.

NextJS UnoptimisedNextJS OptimisedZola
CMOS Clock4.6 MB2.1 MB4.1 MB
NextJS rewrite1 MB1 MB0.006 MB

Zola absolutely smashes NextJS on text heavy pages, but gets beaten on image-heavy pages thanks to Next's image optimisation. Zola does have some support for optimising images which might be useful in closing the gap.

Did it make a difference?

Overall I think the Zola website will load and become interactive much faster, but without some serious image optimisation it might not have much benefit for more image-heavy posts. NextJS is a fantastic framework, but in this case where I don't really need interactivity and I just want to serve HTML blog pages, then I'll be migrating to Zola.