If you read my rather lengthy beginning ember.js tutorial you may have an inkling that I'm rather taken with the new kid on the block. I recently started thinking of ways that I could use my demarcate editor in Ember applications.
The DemarcateEditor view
The answer turned out to be incredibly simple, thanks to some code from Kasper
By adding only a couple of lines, I've taken Kasper's code and turned it into a
demarcate backed WYSIWYG Markdown editor. You can see the live demo (no
longer available) and as usual, the source is on
NOTE At the moment you need to be on the develop branch of demarcate to access 2.0 features.
To make the contenteditable
view demarcate enabled, I had to change two lines of
code. In the didInsertElement
I added a line:
Which simply takes the view's DOM wrapper and enables it as a demarcate editor.
To parse the DOM tree into markdown when the contents of the view's div
I added a call to Ember.run.debounce
in the keyUp
Ember.run.debounce({'component': this}, function () {
this.component.set('markdown', demarcate.parse());
}, 1000);
The Ember.run.debounce
is quite a nifty little Ember function. "Debouncing" is
a common theme in microcontroller hardware design. It refers to the real life
effect where pushing a button may actually result in a rapidly oscillating or
"bouncing" electrical signal. This needs to be smoothed or "debounced" so that
the micro-controller only reacts to a button being pushed once.
In this case, as parsing a large HTML DOM into markdown may take a bit of
effort, we don't want to do this every time the user presses a key. The debounce
method basically sets a timer (in this case for 1000 milliseconds) and restarts
the timer if the function is called again during the timeout period. In other
words, the call to debounce
in this case makes demarcate.parse()
wait for a
pause in keyPress
events longer than 1 second.
A demo application
Creating a demo application requires only a few lines of code. First I create an Ember application:
App = Ember.Application.create();
I also define an Application controller:
App.ApplicationController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
editorHTML: "<h1>Instructions</h1>Edit <strong>your</strong> document here, and <i>see</i> the Markdown appear next door >>",
markdown: "# Instructions\n\nEdit your **document** here, and *see* the Markdown appear next door >>"
This has two properties - editorHTML
which will be bound to the the current
HTML of the contenteditable, and markdown
which will be bound to the parsed
markdown of the contenteditable. Here, I've hard coded the HTML and markdown
strings to initialise the values. In real life you will probably have Markdown
stored in a database and will use something like showdown.js
or your backend's
Markdown parser to build up the HTML.
Finally, to make the HTML and markdown render correctly (and safely) in the
browser, a little handlebars helper is required. This just makes the text safe
(strips tags) and converts newlines to <br>
Ember.Handlebars.registerBoundHelper('breaklines', function(text) {
text = Ember.Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(text);
text = text.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, '<br>');
return new Ember.Handlebars.SafeString(text);
All we need then is a template in our index.html:
<script type="text/x-handlebars" id="application">
<div class="editor">
{{view Ember.DemarcateEditor valueBinding="editorHTML" markdownBinding="markdown"}}
<div class="output-wrapper">
<div class="markdown">
{{breaklines markdown}}
<div class="html">
{{breaklines editorHTML}}
This just includes the Ember.DemarcateEditor
view in the template (which is
defined in a separate file) and then outputs the HTML and markdown in the view
for comparison. Of course some CSS is required so it doesn't look too horrible.
Note that for the view I've included markdownBinding="markdown". This is because the value of the contenteditable is it's HTML, so a separate binding is used for the markdown output.
Building an Ember.Component
If you listen to the Ember experts talk - for instance this video on Components - then Ember's Components are the future. Basically they are reusable bits of interface which provide a simple interface for binding data and responding to events. We can convert our DemarcateEditor view into an Ember.Component quite easily.
Firstly, we need to add a template to our index.html
<script type="text/x-handlebars" id="components/demarcate-editor">
This fairly trivial bit of code simply creates a template (note the
in front of the ID, which tells Ember its a component template)
and outputs the editorHTML
variable using a Handlebars tag. Next we need to
update our application
template so that it imports the Component rather than
the View. This turns out to be quite simple as well.
Replace the line
{{view Ember.DemarcateEditor valueBinding="editorHTML" markdownBinding="markdown"}}
with the line
{{demarcate-editor value=editorHTML markdown=markdown}}
Ember recognises that the {{demarcate-editor ...}}
tag is a reference to a
object. It also realises that we want a template with
ID components/demarcate-editor
to render the component. The value
attributes are bindings to variables on the controller scope, even
though we don't have the Binding
keyword which the view requires. In this
case, our Application controller has properties editorHTML
and markdown
, and
the Component will reference these properties.
NOTE As the properties passed to the component are bound, when the Component changes the properties then these changes will propogate to any reference within the template, and also back up in to the controller itself. Similarly, if another component or the controller changes the property, then the changes will automatically propogate into the component.
We also need to do is to provide the code behind the component. In this case, its a simple matter of renaming our view to a component.
Ember.DemarcateEditor = Em.View.extend({ ... });
App.DemarcateEditorComponent = Em.Component.extend({ ... });
The naming is important - the words must be capitalised, and the last word must
be Component
. When searching for the correct class to use, Ember removes the
word Component
, replaces each word with its lowercase equivalent and separates
them with dashes. In this instance, DemarcateEditorComponent
which we used in our template above.
Component vs View
There was little difference between the implementation of an Ember.Component
and an Ember.View
and the functionality itself was identical. Both provide a
way to encapsulate particular behaviours in a reusable front-end class. They
make your templates neater and more concise. In addition, the restricted
interface provided by Components makes them easy and predictable to use. Ember's
Components try to predict the way that the HTML specification will evolve in the
coming years so are a good tool for new applications.
Either way, building an Ember / demarcate editor proved to be a piece of cake!