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Building a basketball video analysis software tool

Posted by Will Hart on 2024-05-30

This is a super long article discussing a tool that has been on my mind for at least eight years. I'm probably the only one interested in these details, but it is satisfying for me to document this project as I'm unlikely to release the source code and it seems my work on the project is coming to an end.

In fiction writing, there is a saying - "show don't tell". I think this is also a great phrase to apply as a youth sports coach. I've been coaching junior basketball for about 25 years now at various levels. Over that time I've noticed a big increase in the level of professionalism and the technical expertise of coaches.

For instance, twenty years ago video analysis was very rare, but these days analysing game film with the team can be done routinely, even at the youngest levels of representative basketball. All our games are now filmed and available on Youtube or other services. Video analysis is a fantastic tool as a coach to both highlight areas for improvement and show where players are doing things well. Often a message only really sinks in for players when they see the examples (both positive and negative) in game film.

I previously posted about my basketball diagram software which I used to write training plans, do scouting reports and diagram plays. In addition to this tool, I've also spent over eight years slowly building a tool for video analysis, similar to tools from hudl or Catapult. I'm going to describe a little bit about this tool and how I built it in this post.

Defining the "product"

I'm a volunteer coach with my own job and family, and so in addition to having limited training time, I also want to spend as little time as possible preparing for video analysis (Yes, I'm aware that I probably spent hundreds of hours building a software tool to save me minutes of effort).

So about eight years ago I began to develop a software tool that would:

As the tool evolved I added and removed some other features:


I want to highlight up front some of the key challenges I faced while building this tool, and then discuss later how each implementation attempted to address them.

1. The tagging problem

Strangely enough, one of the trickiest pieces of the project was how to create the video tags. From the start I wanted to be able to gather more data than just a plain text "bookmark". This requires being able to provide a UI that can select from different basketball actions, including:

It turns out that each of these potential tags requires different metadata to be associated with it, for instance a shot may require:

while a metadata tag like a "lineup change" may require a list of players that went on and a list of players that went off.

This is a complex data modelling problem for strongly typed languages, but it is even more complex as a UI problem, because different controls need to be displayed depending on both what tag is being created and which details are being provided. For most UI frameworks this results in a lot of spaghetti code.

I also wanted to be able to annotate a full set of tags while watching the video at 1.5x speed. I'll revisit this challenge more as the article goes on.

2. The video hosting problem

From the start I had a challenge around how the videos would be made available to the app and when I was showing them to the players in the video analysis session. Back when I started mobile data was poor (in Australia) and our internet speeds didn't really allow large videos to be uploaded and streamed reliably. Local files initially seemed like a better option, but that made it harder to share with other coaches.

Later, once internet speeds improved it became a question of where to host - either my own cloud media server (expensive and with complex access controls - these are videos of kids after all) or through an existing hosting site like youtube. In the end most game film these days ends up on youtube so that became the logical choice for hosting.

First attempt - .NET WPF

My first attempt was made about eight years ago using a WPF app in C#. Unfortunately I seem to have lost the source code and all screenshots, but this was a pretty good first attempt that had tagging and playback of local video files, showed the tags on the playback progress bar and had a telestrator functionality.

There were two issues with this implementation:

  1. it was offline only, so it was a bit tricky to share with others,
  2. the tagging interface was very clunky - because of the complexity of the tags required, it was very difficult in C# to add new tags or to show a custom UI flow for tagging particular things and adding the relevant metadata. In other words, the tagging pattern required very stateful UI, which was a bit clumsy to do in WPF.

To get around the tagging issues I had brief foray with trying to write the code in typescript / React as a part of the play diagramming tool, but the UI flow still didn't sit well and I quickly abandoned the approach.

Second attempt - rust TUI

Typestate to the rescue

About this time I encountered a language called rust, which you may have heard of. I pretty quickly fell in love with it (and now use it relatively often in my day job!). I was playing around with rust for a bunch of tools, but it didn't occur to me to try building the video analysis tool in rust until I found the article by Cliffle on type states in rust.

TLDR: the type state approach is sort of like a state machine baked into the types. In other words, it uses the type system at compile time to ensure only valid state transitions are available to be called.

As I was reading the article it dawned on me that this was a great model for tagging videos. The core of the complex user flow could be reduced to a fairly readable rust enum:

A screenshot of a rust enum showing the typestate pattern used for tagging

Here the variants of the enum are the different states our tagging UI can be in, for instance setting whether a shot was made or missed, selecting a player, or selecting a shot location. The VideoTagFactory<T> could then be used to ensure that only the relevant transitions are available from each "UI state". It took a bit of noodling but in short order I'd written up the tagging logic and a rust "terminal user interface" (TUI) to provide the UI.

Syncing to video

To manage the video, I worked with local files and used VLC HTTP requests to control the player. Overall it was a pretty reliable system, although sometimes VLC would have some issues buffering when playing youtube videos. I set it up so that I could use youtube-dl to download videos locally, and configure my tool to accept both a youtube and local video path, preferring local where available.

This approach immediately felt better. The code was cleaner, the UI just naturally flowed from the state of the tag, and it was easy to add new tags. I added a second simpler factory for "text-based" tags, and implemented all the logic around live box scores. The result looked like this:

The rust TUI

Tagging was via keyboard inputs, for instance to add a new shot, I would press <tab> 2 2 1 4553<enter> y <enter>. Decoding this:

While this looks a bit complicated, after a few minutes of tagging I could basically tag in real-time (i.e. at 1x playback speed). Tags were saved in a local file. I also implemented exporting highlights from a list of filtered plays using ffmpeg.

Challenge: Clock management

An interesting problem came about with mapping video time to game time. For instance a video may start a few minutes before the game starts, and in our timing rules the clock stops on every whistle. This means that in order to track how many minutes players are playing you need to have a separate concept for "game time" vs "video time". Tags are in "video time", while all of the stats are in "video time".

The problem is compounded in that all of our scorers are parents, and its fairly common for them to forget to start or stop the clock at key moments. Depending on the angle, there isn't always a scoreboard visible in the video, so its not always obvious what the game clock is actually showing!

To solve this I introduced the concept of a "clock sync" tag. This was a tag that was considered a "source of truth" for the current game time, for instance 03:13 remaining in the third quarter. There were also "clock start" and "clock stop" tags, and "period start" and "period end" tags which were essentially fancy clock sync tags.

Between these it was possible to produce a basic algorithm which used the elapsed video time and the clock management tags to determine the game time. When a clock sync tag was found, the game clock was updated to match, and elapsed times for things like lineup combinations and player minutes were reconciled using some business logic.

Overall this wasn't a complex problem but took a bit of thinking to get right.

Challenge: Sharing

One challenge was that this was not easy to share with non-technical people. Around this time I wanted to step back a little from coaching so I joined another coach as their assistant. One of my jobs was tagging the video for analysis with the team, but I couldn't hand over a terminal program for them to use. Instead I ended up building a simple tera template generator to output a standalone HTML file with an embedded youtube player and list of tags.

This was ... ugly, but it worked pretty well. Up until Covid hit and we lost basically two years to the pandemic. Overall I was fairly happy other than it feeling a bit too "technical" to run, being a bit slapped together with separate video and TUI windows, and still only letting me tag at about 1x game speed.

Third attempt - rust (axum) and Next.js

I took a couple of year hiatus from the project while Covid messed up our basketball seasons. When things started to return to normal, I began to get more and more frustrated by the slightly janky TUI and the awkwardness of sharing game footage.

If I'm honest I also began to wonder at this point whether I had a "genuine product" on my hands. If I recall at the time hudl cost hundreds of dollars a month. There seemed to be a gap in the market for a simpler "semi-pro" service targeted at representative / amateur sports where budgets are typically non-existent. The main problem at this point was around UX pain points, the TUI worked great for me (and the four or five other people who prefer a TUI over a GUI) but wasn't SaaS-ready.

I began to consider turning the tool into a web app, with some of the features a SaaS requires like user accounts, sharing, granular permissions and so on.

Tech stack

After a bit of research I settled on a tech stack for round 3.

Then I picked a few "comfort" options:

Building a tagging "language"

Initially I started reusing a lot of the typestate logic from the TUI. However at the time I was skimming through Basketball on Paper, a book about the use of data and statistics in basketball. I remember seeing a lot of basic statistical errors in the book, however one really interesting feature of the book was their way of annotating a game using a series of letters and numbers. I decided to adapt this to my needs.

For instance the following would be used to describe a complete possession:

01:11 a 19i 9 19 36d 19i 9 4 29x3- 4rt

This can be broken down as follows:

There is a lot of data packed into this single line, and it can be very compact and detailed, for instance 12 99f36x3++. indicates:

I can make text tags by typing:

@01:11 Good drive and kick (Bob to Fred)

Or a text range tag using

@01:11 +5 A five second range with a text annotation

I implemented a parser using nom, and the React GUI had some logic to pre-fill the video time in the tagging text input. A typical game has 100-150 lines of this format which includes all possessions, clock management, lineups, annotations and so on.

An excerpt from an actual game looks like this, and can be imported or exported from the GUI:

An extract from a game summary written using the custom tagging DSL

In terms of UX I'd consider this a "pro" interface - its extremely fast to annotate and quite natural once you learn the key codes, however has a bit of a learning curve. For a SaaS product it would still need a more traditional "point and click" GUI interface.

For the users at least the output was human readable, for instance the input above would be displayed in the UI by a stream of possession logs like this, along with a running score:

A stream of events for a single game

Clicking on a timestamp takes you to that time in the video.

Stats and analysis

The great thing about all this rich data and the parser was that it suddenly became possible to "reduce" over these lines and produce detailed stats by parsing the game sequence into a vector of "actions", and then running a "map-reduce" on those to produce a box score. It was also possible to produce a quarter by quarter breakdown, see an example:

An example box score

Short charts can also be produced from the same data:

An example short chart

It was also possible to compute more interesting statistics, such as the effectiveness of specific lineups:

An example of lineup effectiveness stats for a single game

There are a lot of lineups in a junior basketball game because for player development and well-being its important that everybody plays a decent amount of minutes. I also implemented some possession statistics, which in many cases matched my "feel" of the tempo and outcome of the game pretty closely:

Example possession statistics

A neat feature of rust was how easy it was to go from a single game box score to an average across a subset of games or even a season. By implementing the std::ops::Add trait on the Box Score then this could be done with basically no code changes in the API.

Sharing games

As this version of the analysis software was written using a SaaS model, there was a fairly basic underlying role-based permission system. This meant it was easy to create a "shared" link that was essentially a read-only version of the page. These were enforced at the postgres DB level using row-level permissions and tested with unit tests (I know, unit tests a side project!?).

What next?

Developing the analysis tool has been a very rewarding long-term project. I learned quite a lot out of doing it and got a lot of pleasure out of using it to analyse a bunch of games. Since I started working on these tools almost a decade ago, my life has changed a lot. I have my own little people who rely on me, other hobbies demanding my time, and a job which seems to drain most of my energy. I'm probably going to have to hang up my coaching boots at the end of this season, at least until (or if) my own little kids decide to play. Its hard to keep plugging away at something that I'll probably no longer have a use for.

There were some features or ideas that I wanted to return to, and who knows - maybe one day if my kids are playing and I lace up the coaching clipboard again, I'll return to these to "save some time".

A proper tagging interface

The "text-based" tagging interface in the latest iteration of the analysis software works for me, but if I ever want other people to use it I'd have to create a proper GUI for tagging. I think a React interface would have the same limitations as the original C# one in handling the branching tagging interface. I'd be curious to try something that uses the existing rust typestate backend for tagging (developed for the TUI) and delivers HTMX to the front end to show the correct GUI.

Integration with diagramming software

I also have some really capable play diagramming software, which at the moment is a separate tool. I think it would be really interesting to merge the two tools, and in particular I'd love to be able to draw up diagrams right from within the video analysis software, either as a teaching or a scouting tool.

Machine learning

I think the ultimate UI for tagging videos would be... no UI at all! Could we get machine learning algorithms to tag up the video for us? I'm not 100% on the AI hype train, but I do think some good old fashioned machine learning tools to analyse the video would be useful, especially if they could extract highlights and tags automatically. It would be even cooler if the ML could process the video and turn it into play diagrams.

I'm clearly not the first to think of this.

I think this would be very challenging given the majority of game films in amateur leagues probably use off the shelf cameras with poor low-light performance, and the video angle is often very shallow with lots of players or spectators obscuring the feed. Despite this it would be very cool.

Video hosting

Long-term it would be interesting to have a custom video pipeline using some sort of streaming media server. I looked at a few options for doing this, including off the shelf things like Cloudflare Stream, but at the end of the day for a hobby project Youtube is more than enough!