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Reducing online abuse through sentiment analysis

Posted by Will Hart on 2014-01-27

Cleaning up Twitter

Recently the issue of on-line abuse has received a lot of play time in the news. In the UK several prominent female figures were sent death threats through Twitter after they campaigned to have a female (other than the Queen) on a UK bank note. Articles such as this one by Pacific Standard Magazine present a chilling picture of the state of on-line media and its treatment of women, and the lack of a clear policy from law enforcement agencies. As a result of the UK episode two people were arrested and jailed, however many more escaped without penalty.

The explosion of on-line media has generated a range of compelling, complex and large scale issues that we have only slowly begun to adapt to. For instance, how much should Twitter and other social media outlets be required to police what goes on using their services? In the past phone companies were not held to account for what people said over the phone lines. However tweets and the facebook posts are both public and persistent. Does this impose a new burden of responsibility for these companies? And if there is, what can they actually do about it?

From wild supposition I would imagine that you can divide the abusers into two different groups. The first is those who are doing it for "a bit of a laugh", without considering the impact it has on the victim. The second group are potentially conducting this behaviour as as symptom of wider social or mental issues. The behaviour of the first group is probably open to influence, through making them aware that what they are doing has both social and legal consequences. However, the second category of abuser is unlikely to be managed through actions undertaken by Twitter.

What can be done?

From a technical standpoint, one possible way to "jolt" the first group into modifying their behaviour is through a visual cue in the browser. Something that alerts the user if the tweet they have typed (and are about to "send") appears to be abusive. For instance, the message could read:

WARNING - the message you have typed appears to be abusive. Your IP address has been logged and on-line abuse can be a criminal offence.

Upon seeing a message like this, the casual abuser could hopefully be prevented from hitting the "send" button.

Determining if a tweet is "good" or "bad" falls under a the heading of a "classification problem". In these problems a computer must categorise a data point, usually based on a small and finite number of possible states. In the case of natural language (i.e. text), this technique is frequently known as "sentiment analysis", and is supposedly used by business such as Amazon to detect the tone of reviews written on their site. This involves an algorithm which looks over a sentence or slab of text, and tries to work out if the mood of the text is positive or negative based on the prevalence of certain words or word patterns. In the remainder of this article I'll attempt to build a classifying algorithm for tweets, and see if it could have applicability to "cleaning up Twitter".

Sentiment analysis

The basic approach is often quite simple:

  1. Count the number of times words appear in the text
  2. Work out which words are more common in good or bad text and see if these are present in our text
  3. See if there are more good or bad words in our text

The first part involves some basic string manipulation, and is often referred to as "vectorisation" of text. For short sentences like Tweets (with 160 characters) this would be quite easy to do. One complication may be that the use of abbreviations and "text speak" (or whatever the kids are calling it these days) would mean that the number of words that would need to be tracked as good or bad would grow.

A number of different rules can be applied to perform steps 2 and 3. The most common of these use some sort of probability theory - for instance the probability that the word "LeBron" will appear in a tweet if it is about the NBA can be calculated. Some sort of formula can then be calculated to determine how likely it is that a tweet is good or bad based on this probabilities. This type of technique, as we shall see, is usually referred to as some form of Bayesian classification.

Classifying tweets


To perform this task, I decided to use a Naive Bayes approach, which makes some simplifying assumptions and uses Bayes Rule to mathematically formulate the problem. In words, we are trying to answer the following question:

What is the probability the tweet is bad given it has the following words in it: ....

The word given has a specific role in probability - for instance $P(apple|fruit)$ means "the probability we have an apple given we have a fruit". If you don't remember your high school probability - if we are holding an object, the probability it is an apple rather than any of the other objects in the universe is, for instance, 0.00001%. However if we are told that what we are holding is a fruit, the probability that object we are holding is an apple given we are holding a fruit becomes much higher, say 30% if my fruit bowl is anything to go by.

The Naive Bayes approach relies on some simple rules to formulate our word problem above. into mathematical symbols. This could look something like the following (from the scikit-learn documentation):

$$P(y|x_1, ..., x_n) = \frac{P(y)\Pi_{i=1}^nP(x_i|y)}{P(x_1, ..., x_n)}$$ ​

Where y is the "good"/"bad" classification and x variables are the words in the tweet.

If this is gibberish to you, don't despair its not really necessary to understand the maths in detail. All this is saying is that to work out if the tweet is bad - given the presence of a whole bunch of words - we multiply together the probability that each of the words is present given the tweet is known to be bad - $\Pi_{i=1}^nP(x_i|y)$. For instance, words such as the and you may be equally likely to be present in good or bad tweets, whilst other words are much more likely to be present in bad tweets alone.

An Example

If our tweet contains the words "Chocolate tastes great", then the mathematical formulation would become:

$$P(bad|chocolate,tastes,great)=\frac{P(bad)\times P(chocolate|bad)\times P(tastes|bad)\times P(great|bad)}{P(chocolate,tastes,great)}$$

Where $P(chocolate)$ is the probability the tweet contains the word "chocolate". The probability the tweet is good would be given by:

$$P(good|chocolate,tastes,great)=\frac{P(good)\times P(chocolate|good)\times P(tastes|good)\times P(great|good)}{P(chocolate,tastes,great)}$$

To work out if the tweet is good or bad, we can just compare which of these probability is greater, e.g.

$$P(good|chocolate,tastes,great) > P(bad|chocolate,tastes,great)$$

As the denominator of the fraction is the same on both probabilities, we only need to compare the top lines of the fraction.

I tend to code in Python given the wide range of libraries available for scientific computing. Classification problems are no exception, as Python's scikit-learn includes Naive Bayes functionality based on the mathematical formulation above. scikit-learn can be installed by typing into the command line:

pip install scipy
pip install scikit-learn

On Windows I've found it easier to use a Python installation such as WinPython for these kinds of tasks as pip sometimes seems to struggle with building packages on Windows. On Linux the above should work without a hitch.

Building a probability matrix

As we can see from the slightly horrible maths expression we used above, a Naive Bayes just multiplies together a whole bunch of probabilities. This problem can be made much easier for computers if we pre-build our probabilities, a process known as training our algorithm. This requires a data set of known results - a "training set" - which helps us build a probability matrix. This has the likely outcomes (good/bad tweet) as rows and the recorded words as columns. The values in the matrix indicate the conditional probabilities - the chance the word is in the tweet if it is either good or bad. For instance the following simplified matrix could exist to determine if a tweet is related to the Star Wars movies:

| Word    |  Bad  | Good |
| Wookie  | 0.56  | 0.03 | 
| Star    | 0.75  | 0.19 |
| Wars    | 0.79  | 0.32 |
| Ireland | 0.04  | 0.13 |

Reading across, we can see that the probability the tweet contains the word "wookie" given it is bad (i.e. related to Star Wars) is 0.56 or 56%. This matrix is quite small, and in a real life situation would likely contain thousands of columns. Storing and traversing this efficiently is quite a complex task!

What does a training data set look like?

To train our Naive Bayes classifier we need some kind of learning data set. This would contain as many tweets as we could find and a flag to indicate which of these is considered "bad". As I don't really want to upload and work with a data set filled with despicable words and phrases, we will continue with our example of detecting if our tweets are related to the Star Wars movies. For instance the following (made up) tweets are considered Star Wars related:

Luke Skywalker is not MY father
Darth Vader spotted in the Dagobah system
My Jedi mind tricks are amazing - just got a pay rise
Episode 1 is horrendous

Whilst the following would not be related:

My coffee tastes like bilge water
It's raining cats and dogs
Sometimes I look at the stars and cry
New satellites are taking war to the stars

From looking at some of these made up examples, it is clear that this problem is more difficult than first thought. For instance:

This is a weakness of the "bag of words" approach we are using here, and can easily lead to "false positives" - where we incorrectly identify a tweet as "Star Warsy" - or "false negatives" - where we say a tweet is not related to Star Wars when it is. Whilst a percentage of false positives is probably unavoidable, the objective is to improve the accuracy as much as possible so that these false classifications are the exception rather than the rule. In general a larger training dataset will make the classifier more likely to correctly group our tweets.

The training set should be as large as possible but also as close to "reality" as possible. For instance, a review of the equations above show that the final classification is also dependent on the probability that a tweet is good or bad

Gathering the data

In a real life situation we would probably need to gather thousands of tweets, manually classify each one and then split this data into training and testing data sets. This task would be quite time intensive. Luckily for a demonstration like this we can create a basic twitter API script in Python to do a good approximation of this task for us. There are quite a few different twitter APIs written in Python, but the one that seemed to work the best for me was tweepy. I installed this in the usual way (pip install tweepy) and then wrote some very simple code to search for tweets.

from tweepy import API as TweepyApi, OAuthHandler

def search_tweets(search, count=15):
    auth = OAuthHandler(

api = TweepyApi(auth)

result = api.search(q=search, count=count, lang='en')
return [x.text.encode('ascii', 'ignore').replace('\n', '') for x in result]

MY_SETTINGS is a dictionary I imported from another file with my API credentials - so that they are hidden from github. To get 20 tweets about star wars, I can run the following:

star_wars_tweets = search_tweets("star wars", 20)

This takes care of the bad tweets. To get the "good" tweets, we need a wide sampling of random tweets. I played around with the streaming sample() API but found that no matter what I did it denied my credentials - maybe I'm missing something obvious? In the end I just decided to get some tweets for a few unrelated topics such as "emberjs", "nba", "superbowl", "science" and "bieber". Whilst this data set will be definition be incomplete (and reduce accuracy) its a simple way to get enough data for a proof of concept.

By wrapping this code in a class and adding some helper functions I was able to generate several hundred good tweets and 200 bad tweets in very short order. I could repeat this process (after a short break to allow new tweets to accumulate) to get another bunch of test data.

Building the classifier

The next step was to build the classifier itself. Lets jump straight into some code.

import numpy as np
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer, TfidfTransformer
from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB

def train(expected):
    Teaches the classifier based on the data set passed in the constructor

    # use a utility function to load the data set and expected results (0 = good, 1 = bad)
    raw_data, expected = load_dataset()

    # STEP 1: vectorise the text
    vectoriser = CountVectorizer(lowercase=True, strip_accents='unicode')
    res = self.vectoriser.fit_transform(raw_data)

    # STEP 2: Apply "Term Frequency times Inverse Document Frequency" methodology
    transformer = TfidfTransformer()
    res = self.transformer.fit_transform(res)
    # STEP 3: use a multinomial classifier to generate probabilities
    self.classifier = MultinomialNB()
    self.classifier.fit(res, expected)

Using scikit-learn, building a classifier is very simple, and only three main steps were required.

  1. We 'vectorise' the text using a CountVectorizer. In English this means that we count the number of times each word appears in the tweets and create a dictionary with the word as a key and the count as the value.
  2. We 'transform' the data using the TfidfTransformer. This is a useful operation to apply for text analysis - it basically accounts for the fact that words will be more frequent in longer tweets, and some words are popular in both "good" and "bad" tweets. Clearly the length issue is not too much of a problem with tweets given the character limit, but the "idf" part (Inverse Document Frequency) reduces the impact of words that are common in both types of tweets.
  3. We train the classifier using a MultinomialNB (Multinomial Naive Bayes) classifer. This uses our training set to calculate the probability table we discussed earlier.

The load_dataset() method simply takes a text file and generates a list, with each item being a tweet or a 0/1 indicating if it is good or bad. The expected variable is a numpy array. It is possible to combine the three steps into a single Pipeline, however I found that it was easier to implement load_dataset as a generator when I did not - making it easier to parse larger files.

Testing the classifier

With these 20 or so lines we have built a Naive Bayes classifier. We can test the classifier (once trained) on a single tweet by doing the following:

classifier.predict("A tweet about Star Wars")

Putting together a quick script made it simple to gather the training and test data, train the classifier and then run the test data, displaying results. Running this four times I got:

Tested 120 tweets, got 102 correct (85%)
Tested 120 tweets, got 109 correct (91%)
Tested 120 tweets, got 117 correct (98%)
Tested 120 tweets, got 113 correct (94%)

The number presumably improved where there were more similar tweets in the two datasets (i.e. if I ran the commands in quick succession then there was more duplication between the test and training set and hence a higher accuracy). Despite this, 85-90% seems to be a fairly good accuracy with such a small training set.

Validating tweets

Client side?

Having demonstrated that we can (with relatively good accuracy) classify Star Wars tweets using Python and scikit-learn, we need to find a way that it could be integrated with Twitter. One option would be to use a javascript client side library that would test the tweet as it was typed. This javascript would undertake the following steps:

  1. "Vectorise" the tweet, breaking into words and counting occurrences
  2. Use a static probability matrix, multiplying the required values to generate a probability of "good" (!$P(good)$!) and a probability of "bad" $P(bad)$
  3. If $P(good) >= P(bad)$ then the tweet is good, and conversely if $P(bad) > P(good)$ then the tweet is bad
  4. Display a warning if the tweet is bad

We can access the probability matrix generated by scikit-learn to save to file by running


The big issue here is that for our test simple dataset this array was 2 rows, 773 columns. This was obtained by:

print classifier.feature_log_prob_.shape

Once our matrix is stored in an ASCII encoded file, we can estimate how much download bandwidth it would take up. Assuming 1 byte per character and with each probability having a length of 12 bytes including punctuation, the simple matrix generated from our training set above gives us a file size of around 20kB:

$$1\text{ byte}\times 12\text{ characters}\times 2\text{ rows}\times 773\text{ columns} = 18,552\text{ bytes}$$

To perform this operation client side, we would therefore need to download at least 20kB of probability matrix. Given the emphasis placed on minimising download amounts, this makes client side validation unlikely to be viable.

Server side

Another approach would be to use a simple web service approach, where the tweet could be periodically sent to the server and analysed, and the web service could return "0" if the tweet is classified as good, or "1" if the tweet is bad. This is pretty similar to the spam detection services offered by companies such as Askimet. In Python, something like this is very implemented with one of the many light weight web frameworks such as Tornado or Flask. A flask app which performed this could be as simple as the following (where the TweetClassifier is a class implementing our classification code above):

from flask import Flask, request
from flask_cors import cross_origin
import os

from tweet_classifier import TweetClassifier

app = Flask(__name__)
classifier = TweetClassifier()

if not os.path.isfile("train_data.txt"):

@app.route("/", methods=["GET"])
def validate_tweet():
    tweet = request.args.get('tweet')
    return str(classifier.classify(tweet))


If this was saved in a file called run_server.py, setting up the server would be as simple as

python run_server.py

The code above would set up a route, or a "web page" which would answer GET requests to the url / (e.g. and return a response with 0 or 1. A simple index.html page (assuming the server is running at would look like the following, using jQuery for the AJAX request:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Check a tweet</title>
        <input type="text" value="You are an awesome person" id="phrase" />
        <button id="check_phrase">Check</button>
        <div id="result"></div>

        <script src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.0/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            $("#check_phrase").click(function(e) {
                    type: 'GET',
                    url: '',
                    data: {
                        tweet: $("#phrase").val()
                    success: function(data, status, xhr) {

Visiting the index.html page shows an input box. We can type something in the box, click the "Check" button, and in a short time either 0 or 1 will be displayed below the tweet.


Its clear after a little bit of testing that the accuracy depends to a large extent on the quality of the training data. I tested with about 2,400 tweets as training data and found that the accuracy was fairly good for items like:

Star Wars Episode 7 being released!
C3PO is a rockstar
Luke Skywalker, I am your father
JJ Abrams directing Episode 7

However due to the narrowly defined training set (for instance only six or seven categories were used for "good" tweet data) statements like the following were false positives due to the amount of discussion about the new Star Wars movies being made:

Harry Potter Episode 7 is boring
JJ Abrams directed Lost

Some false negatives were also found due to only 200 "bad" tweets being used:

3PO is a robot

Despite these issues, the method produced something that could detect well over half of Star Wars related tweets that I typed in in only a few hours of work. Accuracy could be improved by gathering a broader range of random tweets (presuming that the Twitter streaming API can be made to return anything other than a 401 response code!) or by cherry picking and searching specific Star Wars related terms where performance is poor. It is also possible that detecting abusive tweets could be a little easier given certain words are exceedingly common in these types of tweets but not in everyday speech.

Additionally the use of N-grams, which are very short phrases could also improve the algorithm. For instance a tweet could possibly include a phrase such as "this millennium I want to fly a falcon" and not be related to Star Wars, whilst a tweet "I like the Millennium Falcon" is far more likely to be related.


The best that could be hoped from a system like this is that it would reduce "casual" abuse, or at the very least make people think twice before sending a horrible tweet. For many on the edge of society it is likely that a visual warning would provide no deterrence whatsoever.

Additionally, the performance impact on a high volume site such as Twitter would be considerable. Something like 400 million tweets a day are made, and for each one to be passed through an "abuse" web service would require considerable financial investment in terms of servers, support and so on. A client side approach is technically feasible but unlikely to work given the large probability matrix that would need to be downloaded in order for it to work. A quick bit of research shows that a number of sentiment analysis APIs already exist on-line, some are listed in this blog post.

All in all, as an investigation of sentiment analysis and Naive Bayes methods the approach was a success but in terms of making a real dent in on-line abuse, sadly it seems unlikely to provide any great benefits.

The full source code of the application and the article can be found at https://github.com/will-hart/twitter_sentiment